It is Sunday afternoon and I am preparing for another week of working from home during the Covid quarantine. I feel very fortunate to still be working my corporate position and am grateful to be able to work from home. What is on my mind today is my “ministry job” of helping people discover and apply their unique giftedness.

Over the last few weeks, I have had many people reach out asking me to share information and guidance regarding giftedness. It seems, during this time of quarantine, that people have been thinking a lot more about who they are, and what is it they want to do with their lives. People of diverse age, experience and background have reached out with questions such as “How can I make a positive impact in my community?”; “What is my purpose?”; “Is there more I need to be doing with my life?”; “What do I need to focus on when we get back to our ‘new normal?”

In answer to these requests, I have decided to launch a series which will walk you through my book, The Gift of Giftedness. If you have the book, great! If not, that is ok too. The information in this series can be used with or without the book as a resource.

Since 2002, I have spent much of my time studying, teaching classes, coaching individuals and writing on the topic of giftedness. Though these years, I have witnessed over and over again the joy, confidence and wishdom that discovering one’s giftedness can bring. These experiences and your questions are what motivated me to write this book and now launch this series.

Watch for more to come soon. I will post links to the series here and on Facebook.

“See” you soon!

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